보이저 금제 음반/내용

모든 지식의 총합을 위한 자유지식위키, 리프위키
Ellif (토론 | 기여)님의 2018년 11월 17일 (토) 03:43 판 (→‎Greetings)

틀:Multiple image

보이저 금제 음반에는 2시간 분량의 목소리와 음악, 자연의 목소리와 지구를 대표하는 보이저 1호

Voyager Golden Record contains 116 images plus a calibration image and a variety of natural sounds, such as those made by surf, wind, and thunder, and animal sounds, including the songs of birds, whales and dolphins. The record, which is carried on both the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts, additionally features musical selections from different cultures and eras, spoken greetings in fifty-nine languages,[1][2] other human sounds, like footsteps and laughter (Carl Sagan틀:'s),[3] and printed messages from President Jimmy Carter and U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. The items were selected for NASA by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.

After NASA had received criticism over the nudity on the Pioneer plaque (line drawings of a naked man and woman), the agency chose not to allow Sagan and his colleagues to include a photograph of a nude man and woman on the record. Instead, only a silhouette of the couple was included.[4]

Here is an excerpt of President Carter's official statement placed on the Voyager spacecraft for its trip outside the Solar System, June 16, 1977:

We cast this message into the cosmos ... Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, some – perhaps many – may have inhabited planets and space faring civilizations. If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message: This is a present from a small distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope some day, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination and our goodwill in a vast and awesome universe.[5][6]


The first audio section contains a spoken greeting in English from then-Secretary General of the United Nations, Kurt Waldheim.

The second audio section ("Greetings in 55 Languages") contains spoken greetings in 55 languages.[7] The original plan was to use greetings made by United Nations delegates, but various problems with these recordings led to new recordings being made at Cornell University by people from the foreign-language departments.[8] The number of native speakers of these 55 languages combined (excluding L2 speakers) is over 4.7 billion people, comprising over 65% of the world population. It includes four Chinese varieties (marked with **), 12 South Asian languages (marked #) and five ancient languages (marked §), listed here in alphabetical order:

Later audio sections contain the spoken greetings in the remaining four languages, including Esperanto and !Kung. The whale sounds were provided by Roger Payne.[10]

This is a list of the recorded greetings in order of appearance on their respective tracks.[11]

트랙 시간 언어 Speaker[12][13] Original English translation
2 0:00:00 수메르어 David L. Owen 𒁲𒈠𒃶𒈨𒂗 silim-ma hé-me-en 모든 일이 잘 되기를.
2 0:00:04 고대 그리스어 Frederick M. Ahl Οἵτινές ποτ᾿ ἔστε χαίρετε! Εἰρηνικῶς πρὸς φίλους ἐληλύθαμεν φίλοι. (Hoitines pot'este chairete! Eirēnikōs pros philous elēlythamen philoi.) 당신이 누구던 간에, 인사를 전합니다.

Greetings to you, whoever you are. We come in friendship to those who are friends.

2 0:00:11 포르투갈어 Janet Sternberg Paz e felicidade a todos Peace and happiness to everyone
2 0:00:14 Cantonese Stella Fessler 틀:Zh How's everyone? Wish you peace, health and happiness
2 0:00:19 Akkadian David L. Owen Adanniš lu šulmu May all be very well
2 0:00:22 Russian Maria Rubinova Здравствуйте! Приветствую Вас! (Zdrávstvuyte! Privétstvuyu Vas!) Greetings! I Welcome You!
2 0:00:25 Thai Ruchira Mendiones สวัสดีค่ะ สหายในธรณีโพ้น พวกเราในธรณีนี้ขอส่งมิตรจิตมาถึงท่านทุกคน (Sàwàtdee kâ, sàhăai nai torránee póhn. Pûak rao nai torránee née kŏr sòng mít jìt maa tĕung tâan túk kon) Hello friends from farland. We in this land have sent you warm greeting to you all
2 0:00:32 Arabic Amahl Shakh .تحياتنا للأصدقاء في النجوم. يا ليت يجمعنا الزمان 틀:Transl Greetings to our friends in the stars. May time bring us together
2 0:00:38 Romanian Sanda Huffman Salutări la toată lumea Regards to everyone
2 0:00:42 French Alexandra Littauer Bonjour tout le monde Hello to everyone
2 0:00:45 Burmese Maung Myo Lwin 틀:My 틀:IPA-my Are you well
2 0:00:48 Hebrew David L. Owen שלום 틀:Transl Hello (literally "peace")
2 0:00:50 Spanish Erik J. Beukenjamp Hola y saludos a todos Hello and greetings to everyone
2 0:00:54 Indonesian Ilyas Harun Selamat malam hadirin sekalian, selamat berpisah dan sampai bertemu lagi dilain waktu Good night, ladies and gentlemen. Goodbye and see you next time
2 0:00:59 Kechua (Quechua) Fredy Amikcar, Roncalla Fermandez Kay pachamamta niytapas maytapas rimapallasta runasimipi Hello to everybody from this Earth, in Quechua language
2 0:01:04 Punjabi Jatinder N. Paul ਆਓ ਜੀ, ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ Welcome home. It is a pleasure to receive you
2 0:01:07 Hittite David L. Owen aššuli Hail (literally, "greetings")
2 0:01:08 Bengali Subrata Mukherjee নমস্কার, বিশ্বের শান্তি হোক (Nômośkār, biśśēr śānti hōk) Hello! Let there be peace everywhere
2 0:01:11 Latin Frederick M. Ahl Salvete quicumque estis; bonam erga vos voluntatem habemus, et pacem per astra ferimus Greetings to you, whoever you are; we have good will towards you and bring peace across space
2 0:01:19 Aramaic David L. Owen 𐡌𐡋𐡔 or שלם or ܫܠܡ 틀:Transl Hello (literally "peace")
2 0:01:22 Dutch Joan de Boer Hartelijke groeten aan iedereen Dear/sincere greetings to everyone
2 0:01:24 German Renate Born Herzliche Grüße an alle Warm greetings to everyone
2 0:01:27 Urdu Salma Alzal اسلام و عليکم ـ ہم زمين کے رہنے والوں کى طرف سے آپ کو خوش آمديد کہتے ھيں 틀:Transl Peace on you. We the inhabitants of this earth send our greetings to you
2 0:01:37 Vietnamese Trần Trọng Hải Chân thành gửi tới các bạn lời chào thân hữu Sincere greetings to you
2 0:01:40 Turkish Peter Ian Kuniholm Sayın Türkçe bilen arkadaşlarımız, sabah şerifleriniz hayrolsun Dear Turkish-speaking friends, may the honors of the morning be upon your heads
2 0:01:45 Japanese Mari Noda こんにちは。お元気ですか? 틀:Transl Hello. How are you?
2 0:01:48 Hindi Omar Alzal धरती के वासियों की ओर से नमस्कार 틀:Transl Greetings from the inhabitants of this world
2 0:01:51 Welsh Frederick M. Ahl [14] Iechyd da i chi yn awr, ac yn oesoedd Good health to you now and forever
2 0:01:54 Italian Debby Grossvogel Tanti auguri e saluti Many greetings and wishes
2 0:01:57 Sinhalese Kamal de Abrew ආයුබෝවන්! 틀:Transl Wish You a Long Life.
2 0:02:00 Nguni (Zulu) Fred Dube We greet you, great ones. We wish you longevity
2 0:02:05 Sotho (Sesotho) Fred Dube We greet you, O great ones
2 0:02:08 Wu Yvonne Meinwald 祝㑚大家好。 틀:Transl Best wishes to you all
2 0:02:12 Armenian[9] Araxy Terzian Բոլոր անոնց որ կը գտնուին տիեզերգի միգամածութիւնէն անդին, ողջոյններ (Bolor anonts’ vor ky gtnuin tiezergi migamatsut’iwnen andin, voghjoynner)[15] To all those who exist in the universe, greetings
2 0:02:19 Korean Soon Hee Shin 안녕하세요 (Annyeong haseyo) Hello (literally "Are you peaceful?" or "Be peaceful")
2 0:02:22 Polish Maria Nowakowska-Stykos Witajcie, istoty z zaświatów. Welcome, beings from beyond the world.
2 0:02:25 Nepali Durga Prashad Ojha प्रिथ्वी वासीहरु बाट शान्ति मय भविष्य को शुभकामना (Prithvī vāsīharu bāṭa śānti maya bhaviṣya kō śubhakāmanā) Wishing you a peaceful future from the earthlings
2 0:02:29 Mandarin Chinese Liang Ku 틀:Zh How's everyone? We all very much wish to meet you, if you're free please come and visit
2 0:02:35 Ila Saul Moobola We wish all of you well
2 0:02:38 Swedish Gunnel Almgren Schaar Hälsningar från en dataprogrammerare i den lilla universitetsstaden Ithaca på planeten Jorden Greetings from a computer programmer in the small university town of Ithaca on (the) planet Earth
2 0:02:45 Nyanja Saul Moobola How are all you people of other planets?
2 0:02:48 Gujarati Radhekeant Dave પૃથ્વી ઉપર વસનાર એક માનવ તરફથી બ્રહ્માંડના અન્ય અવકાશમાં વસનારાઓને હાર્દિક અભિનંદન. આ સંદેશો મળ્યે, વળતો સંદેશો મોકલાવશો. Greetings from a human being of the Earth. Please contact
2 0:03:03 Ukrainian Andrew Cebelsky Пересилаємо привіт із нашого світу, бажаємо щастя, здоров'я і многая літа (Peresylayemo pryvit iz nashoho svitu, bazhayemo shchastya, zdorov'ya i mnohaya lita) We are sending greetings from our world, wishing you happiness, health and many years
2 0:03:09 Persian Eshagh Samehyeh درود بر ساکنین ماورای آسمان‌ها (Dorud bar sâkenin mawrah âsemân-hâ) Greetings to the residents of far skies
2 0:03:22 Serbian Milan M. Smiljanić Желимо вам све најлепше са наше планете (Želimo vam sve najlepše sa naše planete) We wish you all the best, from our planet
2 0:03:25 Oriya Raghaba Prasada Sahu ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟ ତାରକାର ତୃତୀୟ ଗ୍ରହ ପୃଥିବୀରୁ ବିଶ୍ୱବ୍ରହ୍ମାଣ୍ଡର ଅଧିବାସୀ ମାନଙ୍କୁ ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ Greetings to the inhabitants of the universe from the third planet Earth of the star Sun
2 0:03:34 Ganda (Luanda) Elijah Mwima-Mudeenya Greetings to all peoples of the universe. God give you peace always
2 0:03:38 Marathi Arati Pandit नमस्कार. ह्या पृथ्वीतील लोक तुम्हाला त्यांचे शुभविचार पाठवतात आणि त्यांची इच्छा आहे की तुम्ही ह्या जन्मी धन्य व्हा. (Namaskāra. Hyā pr̥thvītīla lōka tumhālā tyān̄cē śubhavicāra pāṭhavatāta āṇi tyān̄cī icchā āhē kī tumhī hyā janmī dhan'ya vhā.) Greetings. The people of the Earth send their good wishes and hope you find good fortune in this life.
2 0:03:47 Amoy (Min dialect) Margaret Sook Ching See Gebauer 太空朋友,恁好!恁食飽未?有閒著來阮遮坐喔。 (틀:Transl ) Friends from space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time
2 0:03:55 Hungarian (Magyar) Elizabeth Bilson Üdvözletet küldünk magyar nyelven minden békét szerető lénynek a Világegyetemen We are sending greetings in the Hungarian language to all peace-loving beings on the Universe
2 0:04:01 Telugu Prasad Kodukula నమస్తే, తెలుగు మాట్లాడే జనముననించి మా శుభాకాంక్షలు. (Namastē, telugu māṭlāḍē janamunanin̄ci mā śubhākāṅkṣalu) Greetings. Best wishes from Telugu-speaking people
2 0:04:05 Czech V. O. Kostroun Milí přátelé, přejeme vám vše nejlepší Dear Friends, we wish you the best
2 0:04:08 Kannada (Kanarese) Shrinivasa K. Upadhaya ನಮಸ್ತೆ, ಕನ್ನಡಿಗರ ಪರವಾಗಿ ಶುಭಾಷಯಗಳು. (Namaste, kannaḍigara paravāgi śubhāṣayagaḷu.) Greetings. On behalf of Kannada-speaking people, 'good wishes'
2 0:04:12 Rajasthani Mool C. Gupta Hello to everyone. We are happy here and you be happy there
2 0:04:18 English Nick Sagan Hello from the children of planet Earth Hello from the children of planet Earth
3 0:02:16 Esperanto Ralph Harry Ni strebas vivi en paco kun la popoloj de la tuta mondo, de la tuta kosmo. We strive to live in peace with the peoples of the whole world, of the whole cosmos.
4 0:06:25 !Kung Richard Borshay Lee


The next audio section is devoted to the "sounds of Earth" that include:[16]

Included within the Sounds of Earth audio portion of the Golden Record is a track containing the inspirational message per aspera ad astra in Morse Code. Translated from Latin, it means, through hardships to the stars.


Following the section on the sounds of Earth, there is an eclectic 90-minute selection of music from many cultures, including Eastern and Western classics. The selections include[17]:

Country Piece Author Performer(s) Recorded by / in Genre of music Length
Germany Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major, BWV 1047: I. Allegro Johann Sebastian Bach Munich Bach Orchestra/Karl Richter (conductor) featuring Karl-Heinz Schneeberger (violin) Recorded in Munich, Germany, January 1967 Classical music / Baroque music 4:40
Indonesia Ketawang: Puspåwårnå (Kinds of Flowers) Mangkunegara IV Pura Paku Alaman Palace Orchestra/K.R.T. Wasitodipuro (director) featuring Niken Larasati and Nji Tasri (vocals) Recorded by Robert E. Brown in Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia, on January 10, 1971 Folk music / Gamelan 4:43
Benin Cengunmé[18] Traditional Mahi musicians of Benin Recorded by Charles Duvelle in Savalou, Benin, West Africa, January 1963 Folk music / Percussion 2:08
Democratic Republic of Congo Alima Song Traditional Mbuti of the Ituri Rainforest Recorded by Colin Turnbull and Francis S. Chapman in the Ituri Rainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, circa 1951 Folk music 0:56
Australia Barnumbirr (Morning Star) and Moikoi Song Traditional Tom Djawa (clapsticks), Mudpo (digeridoo), and Waliparu (vocals)[19] Recorded by Sandra LeBrun Holmes at Milingimbi Mission on Milingimbi Island, off the coast of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia, 1962 Folk music / Indigenous music of Australia 1:26
Mexico El Cascabel Lorenzo Barcelata Antonio Maciel and Los Aguilillas with Mariachi México de Pepe Villa/Rafael Carrión (conductor) Recorded 1957, Musart Records Mariachi 3:14
USA Johnny B. Goode Chuck Berry Chuck Berry (vocals, guitar) with Lafayette Leak (piano), Willie Dixon (bass), and Fred Below (drums) Recorded at Chess Studios, Chicago, Illinois, on January 6, 1958 Rock and roll 2:03
Papua New Guinea Mariuamangɨ Traditional Pranis Pandang and Kumbui (mariuamangɨ) of the Nyaura Clan Recorded by Robert MacLennan in the village of Kandɨngei, Middle Sepik, Papua New Guinea, on July 23, 1964 Folk music 1:20
Japan / USA Sokaku-Reibo (Depicting The Cranes In Their Nest) Arranged by Kinko Kurosawa Goro Yamaguchi (shakuhachi) Recorded in New York City, circa 1967, Elektra Entertainment Folk music /Honkyoku 4:51
Germany / Belgium Partita for Violin Solo No. 3 in E Major, BWV 1006: III. Gavotte En Rondeau Johann Sebastian Bach Arthur Grumiaux (violin) Recorded in Berlin, Germany, November 1960, Decca Music Group Limited Classical music / Baroque music 2:55
Austria / Germany The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte), K. 620, Act II: Hell's Vengeance Boils In My Heart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bavarian State Opera Orchestra and Chorus/Wolfgang Sawallisch (conductor) featuring Edda Moser (soprano) Recorded in Munich, Germany, August 1972 Classical music / Opera / Singspiel 2:55
Georgia Chakrulo Traditional Georgian State Merited Ensemble of Folk Song and Dance/Anzor Kavsadze (director) featuring Ilia Zakaidze (first tenor) and Rostom Saginashvili (second tenor)[20][21] Recorded at Melodiya Studio in Tbilisi, Georgia Folk music / Choral music 2:18
Peru Roncadoras and Drums Traditional Musicians from Ancash From recordings collected by Jose Maria Arguedas (Casa de la Cultura) in the Ancash Region of Peru, 1964 Folk music 0:52
USA Melancholy Blues Marty Bloom and Walter Melrose Louis Armstrong and His Hot Seven Recorded in Chicago, Illinois, on May 11, 1927 Jazz 3:05
Azerbaijan S.S.R. Muğam (Çahargah ahəngi) Traditional Kamil Jalilov (balaban) Recorded by Radio Moscow, circa 1950 Folk music 2:30
Soviet Union / USA The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre Du Printemps), Part II-The Sacrifice: VI. Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One) Igor Stravinsky Columbia Symphony Orchestra/Igor Stravinsky (conductor) Recorded at the Ballroom of the St. George Hotel, Brooklyn, New York, on January 6, 1960 Modern classical music / Ballet 4:35
Germany / Canada / USA The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II, Prelude & Fugue No.1 in C Major, BWV 870 Johann Sebastian Bach Glenn Gould (piano) Recorded at CBS 30th Street Studio in New York City on August 8, 1966 Classical music / Baroque music 4:48
Germany / UK Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Opus 67: I. Allegro Con Brio Ludwig van Beethoven Philharmonia Orchestra/Otto Klemperer (conductor) Recorded at Kingsway Hall, London, on October 6, 1955 Classical music / Romantic music 7:20
Bulgaria Izlel E Delyo Haydutin Traditional Valya Balkanska (vocal), Lazar Kanevski, and Stephan Zahmanov (kaba gaidi) Recorded by Martin Koenig and Ethel Rain in Smolyan, Bulgaria, 1968 Folk music 4:59
USA Navajo Night Chant, Yeibichai Dance Traditional Ambrose Roan Horse, Chester Roan, and Tom Roan Recorded by Willard Rhodes in Pine Springs, Arizona, Summer 1942 Folk music 0:57
UK The Fairie Round Anthony Holborne Early Music Consort of London/David Munrow (director) Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, September 1973 Classical music 1:17
Solomon Islands Naranaratana Kookokoo (The Cry of the Megapode Bird) Traditional Maniasinimae and Taumaetarau Chieftain Tribe of Oloha and Palasu'u Village Community in Small Malaita Recording of Solomon Islands Broadcasting Services (SIBS) Folk music 1:12
Peru Wedding Song Traditional Performed by young girl of Huancavelica Recorded by John and Penny Cohen in Huancavelica, Peru, 1964 Folk music 0:38
China Liu Shui (Flowing Streams) Bo Ya Guan Pinghu (guqin) Recording of Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Folk music 7:37
India Bhairavi: Jaat Kahan Ho Traditional Kesarbai Kerkar (vocals) with harmonium and tabla accompaniment Recorded in Bombay, India, April 1953 Folk music 3:30
USA Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground Blind Willie Johnson Blind Willie Johnson (slide guitar, vocals) Recorded in Dallas, Texas, on December 3, 1927 Blues 3:15
Germany / Hungary / USA String Quartet No. 13: in B-Flat Major, Opus 130: V. Cavatina Ludwig van Beethoven Budapest String Quartet Recorded at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., on April, 7, 1960 Classical music / Romantic music 6:37

It has been claimed that Sagan had originally asked for permission to include "Here Comes the Sun" from the Beatles' album Abbey Road; but while the Beatles favoured it, EMI opposed it and the song was not included.[22] However, this has been refuted by Timothy Ferris, who worked on the selection with Sagan; he said the song was never even considered for inclusion.[18]


The Golden Record also carried an hour-long recording of the brainwaves of Ann Druyan, who would later marry Carl Sagan. In the Epilogue of the book Billions and Billions, she describes the experience:


On February 12, 2010, an interview with Ann Druyan was aired on National Public Radio (NPR) during which the above was explained in more detail.[23]


Along with the audio, the record contains a collection of 116 pictures (one of which is for calibration) detailing but not limited to human life on Earth and the planet itself. Many pictures are annotated with one or many indications of scales of time, size or mass. Some images also contain indications of chemical composition. All measures used on the pictures are first defined in the first few images using physical references.

Following is a list of all the images contained in the Voyager Golden Record together with, when copyright permits, the actual image, a description of the nature of the image and what annotations were included in them.[24]

Position Thumbnail Description Type Annotations
1 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-01.gif Calibration circle Black-and-white diagram
2 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-02.gif Solar location map Black-and-white diagram
3 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-03.gif Mathematical definitions Black-and-white text
4 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-04.gif Physical unit definitions Black-and-white text
5 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-05.gif Solar system parameters Black-and-white text
6 파일:Voyager-Golden-Record-Pictures-06.gif Solar system parameters Black-and-white text
7 The Sun Black-and-white image
8 파일:Voyager golden record 8 spectra.gif Solar spectrum Color image
9 파일:Voyager golden record 9 mercury.gif Mercury Black-and-white image
10 파일:Voyager golden record 10 mars.gif Mars Black-and-white image Size
11 파일:Voyager golden record 11 jupiter.gif Jupiter Color image Size
12 파일:Voyager golden record 12 earth.gif Earth Color image Size
13 파일:Voyager golden record 13 earth.gif Egypt, Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, and the Nile Color image Chemical composition
14 Chemical definitions Color diagram Size
15 DNA Structure Color diagram Size
16 DNA Structure magnified, light hit Color diagram Size
17 Cells and cell division Black-and-white image Size
18 Anatomy 1 (Skeleton front) Color diagram
19 Anatomy 2 (Internal organs front) Color diagram
20 Anatomy 3 (Skeleton and muscles back) Color diagram
21 Anatomy 4 (Internal organs back) Color diagram
22 Anatomy 5 (Ribcage) Color diagram
23 Anatomy 6 (Muscles front) Color diagram Size
24 Anatomy 7 (Heart, lungs, kidneys and main blood vessels back) Color diagram
25 Anatomy 8 (Heart, lungs, kidneys and main blood vessels front) Color diagram
26 Human sex organs Black-and-white diagram Size
27 Diagram of conception Black-and-white diagram Size, time
28 Conception Color image
29 Fertilized ovum Black-and-white image Time
30 Fetus diagram Black-and-white diagram Size, time
31 Fetus Color image
32 Diagram of male and female Black-and-white diagram Size, time
33 Birth Black-and-white image
34 파일:Voyager Golden Record 34 Nursing Mother.gif Nursing mother Color image
35 Father and daughter (Malaysia) Color image
36 파일:Voyager Golden Record 36 group of children.gif Group of children Color image
37 Diagram of family ages Black-and-white diagram Mass, time
38 Family portrait Black-and-white image
39 Diagram of continental drift Black-and-white diagram Time
40 Structure of the Earth Black-and-white diagram Size, chemical composition
41 Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef of Australia) Color image
42 Seashore Color image
43 파일:Adams The Tetons and the Snake River.jpg Snake River and Grand Tetons Black-and-white image
44 Sand dunes Color image
45 Monument Valley Color image
46 Forest scene with mushrooms Color image
47 Leaf Color image Size
48 Autumn Fallen leaves Color image
49 Snowflakes over Sequoia Color image
50 Tree with daffodils Color image Size
51 Flying insect with flowers Color image
52 Diagram of vertebrate evolution Black-and-white diagram
53 Seashell (Xancidae) Color image
54 Dolphins Color image
55 School of fish Color image
56 Tree toad Color image
57 Crocodile Color image
58 Eagle Color image Size
59 Waterhole Color image
60 Jane Goodall and chimps Color image
61 Sketch of bushmen Black-and-white diagram Size
62 Bushmen hunters Black-and-white image
63 파일:Voyager Golden Record 63 man from Guatemala.gif Man from Guatemala Color image
64 Dancer from Bali Color image
65 Andean girls Color image
66 Thailand master craftsman Color image
67 Elephant Color image
68 Old man with beard and glasses (Turkey) Color image
69 Leo Kenton Coleman with dog and flowers Color image
70 Mountain climber Color image
71 Gymnast Color image Time
72 Sprinters (Valeriy Borzov of the U.S.S.R. in lead) Color image
73 파일:Voyager Golden Record 73 schoolroom.gif Schoolroom Color image
74 파일:Voyager Golden Record 74 children with globe.gif Children with globe Color image
75 Cotton harvest Color image
76 Grape picker Color image
77 파일:Voyager golden record 77 supermarket.gif Supermarket Color image
78 Underwater scene with diver and fish Color image Chemical composition
79 파일:Voyager Golden Record 79 fishing boat with nets.gif Fishing boat with nets Color image
80 Cooking fish Color image
81 Chinese dinner party Color image
82 파일:Voyager golden record 82 feeding.gif Demonstration of licking, eating and drinking Color image
83 Great Wall of China Color image
84 파일:Voyager Golden Record 84 house construction (Africa).gif House construction (African) Color image
85 Construction scene (Amish country) Color image
86 파일:Voyager Golden Record 86 house (Africa).gif House (Africa) Color image
87 House (New England) Color image
88 Modern house (Cloudcroft, New Mexico) Color image
89 "House interior with artist and fire" (Photo by Jim Amos of Jim Gray & his wife)[25][26] Color image
90 Taj Mahal Color image
91 English city (Oxford) Color image
92 Boston Color image
93 파일:Voyager Golden Record 93 UN building by day.gif UN Building Day Color image
94 파일:Voyager Golden Record 94 UN building at night.gif UN Building Night Color image
95 Sydney Opera House Color image Size
96 Artisan with drill Black-and-white image
97 Factory interior Color image
98 Museum Color image
99 파일:Voyager golden record 99 xray.gif X-ray of hand Color image
100 파일:Voyager Golden Record 100 woman with microscope.gif Woman with microscope Color image
101 파일:Voyager Golden Record 101 street scene in Pakistan.gif Street scene, Asia (Pakistan) Color image
102 파일:Voyager Golden Record 102 rush hour traffic in Thailand.gif Rush hour traffic, Thailand Color image
103 파일:Voyager golden record 103 highway.gif Modern highway (Ithaca, NY) Color image
104 Golden Gate Bridge Black-and-white image Size
105 Train Color image Size
106 Airplane in flight Color image
107 Airport (Toronto) Black-and-white image
108 Antarctic Expedition Color image
109 Radio telescope (Westerbork, Netherlands) Black-and-white image
110 파일:Voyager golden record 110 arecibo.gif Radio telescope (Arecibo) Color image Size
111 파일:Voyager golden record 111 systemoftheworld.gif Page of book (Newton, On the System of the World) Color image
112 파일:Voyager golden record 112 astronaut.gif Astronaut in space Color image
113 파일:Voyager golden record 113 launch.gif Titan Centaur launch Color image
114 Sunset with birds Color image
115 String Quartet (Quartetto Italiano) Color image
116 파일:Voyager golden record 116 score.gif Violin with music score (Cavatina) Color image

See also

틀:Commons category

Notes and references



  1. Sagan, Carl (1994). 《Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space》, 1st, New York: Random House. ISBN: 9780679438410
  2. Traveller's Tales [Carl Sagan Tribute Series, S01E16]. February 10, 2012에 확인.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Lafrance, Adrienne (30 June 2017). Solving the Mystery of Whose Laughter Is On the Golden Record. 《The Atlantic》. 1 July 2017에 확인.
  4. Jon Lomberg: "Pictures of Earth". in Carl Sagan: Murmurs of Earth, 1978, New York, ISBN 0-679-74444-4 {{#invoke:check isxn|check_isbn|0-679-74444-4|error={{#invoke:Error|error| 틀:Tl의 변수 오류: 유효하지 않은 ISBN.|tag=span}} }}
  5. Howdy, Strangers. NASA. November 10, 2018에 확인.
  6. Voyager Spacecraft Statement by the President.. The American Presidency Project. November 10, 2018에 확인.
  7. Greetings to the Universe in 55 Different Languages. NASA. September 6, 2006에 확인.
  8. The Story Behind ‘Greetings to the Universe,' the 55 Recordings of 'hello' Sent Into Space (2015년 8월 6일). 12 November 2016에 확인.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Voyager(Languages): Armenian. August 24, 2011에 확인.
  10. Gambino, Megan (April 23, 2012). What Is on Voyager's Golden Record?. Smithsonian Magazine. 19 November 2012에 확인.
  11. Voyager: Greetings in 55 languages. March 14, 2011에 확인.
  12. The Voyager Interstellar Record – 3/31 UN Greetings Whale Greetings. February 10, 2012에 확인.
  13. Sagan, Carl (1978). 《Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record》. ISBN: 0345315367
  14. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BERgXvxCYAAJN3h.jpg:large
  15. Sternberg, Janet (29 Apr 2013). [Armenian Voyager Golden Record greetings by Araxy Terzian]. 《Twitter》. 17 October 2015에 확인.
  16. Voyager – Spacecraft – Golden Record – Sounds of Earth. NASA. August 17, 2008에 확인.
  17. ozmarecords. Voyager.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Ferris, Timothy (2017년 8월 20일). How the Voyager Golden Record Was Made. The New Yorker. 2017년 12월 7일에 확인.
  19. The Voyager Golden Record: Audio Tracklist. Ozma Records.
  20. Linich, Carl (19 March 2008). Ilia Zakaidze. 《Georgian Folk Singing》. 9 October 2013에 확인.
  21. Voyager 1977 - Georgian folk song "Chakrulo" in space - "ჩაკრულო" კოსმოსში (Georgian). 《Youtube (interview with Anzor Erkomaishvili and others)》. 9 October 2013에 확인.
  22. Sagan, Carl et al. (1978) Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-394-41047-5 {{#invoke:check isxn|check_isbn|0-394-41047-5|error={{#invoke:Error|error| 틀:Tl의 변수 오류: 유효하지 않은 ISBN.|tag=span}} }} (hardcover), ISBN 0-345-28396-1 {{#invoke:check isxn|check_isbn|0-345-28396-1|error={{#invoke:Error|error| 틀:Tl의 변수 오류: 유효하지 않은 ISBN.|tag=span}} }} (paperback)
  23. Carl Sagan And Ann Druyan's Ultimate Mix Tape
  24. Greetings to the Universe in 55 Different Languages. NASA. May 26, 2010에 확인.
  25. Great Smokies National Park: Solitude for Millions. National Geographic Society.
  26. House interior with artist and fire. NASA.

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External links